ANPD applies first sanctions for LGPD violations
In a decision published on July 6, 2023, in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU), the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) applied the first sanctions for violations of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) to a Brazilian company.
According to the decision, the sanctions applied were a warning for infringement of article 41 of LGPD (controller’s obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer – DPO) and a fine of R$ 14,400.00 for infringement of article 7 of LGPD (requirements for processing personal data) and of article 5 of the Inspection Regulation (RESOLUÇÃO CD/ANPD Nº 1, DE 28 DE OUTUBRO DE 2021) (obligations of regulated agents).
The company may still appeal the decision, which is available in Portuguese at: https://www.in.gov.br/en/web/dou/-/despacho-494550988
With the start of ANPD’s actions in the application of sanctions, compliance with LGPD becomes increasingly urgent. For more information, please contact the heads of the Privacy and Data Protection team, Adriano Chaves and Marcia Mandelbaum.